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SportingClays "Train the Trainer" Clinic

Learn from expert Dave Miller the skills for Sporting Clays coaching and student athletes

250 US dollars
Highland Hideaway Hunting

Service Description

This is a Sporting Clays " Train The Trainer " Clinic Cost: $250 Spring Schedule: April 12, 13, 14 at Highland Hideaway - Agenda -  -Friday 5pm - 8pm  Class Time presentation  -Saturday 8am - 12pm Range Time Coaches only, coaches will shoot a lot!  -Saturday 1:00pm - 6:00pm Coaches working with Athletes with Dave Miller's supervision and guidance -Sunday 8am - 12pm Coaches working with Athletes with Dave Miller's supervision and guidance  Class Highlight: Day 1: Coaches Day 2: Coach brings 2 student athletes Day 3: Coach can bring 2 new student athletes or athletes from previous day. Targets are provided by Iowa SCTP (bring a flat of shells, eye and ear protection). 1. This clinic or workshop is specifically designed to empower your coaching staff. 2. If the coaches have the tools to call shots and explain what they see their athletes are doing then they can be very helpful in enhancing that athletes game.   3. This comes not only from watching but from doing it themselves and feeling it.  4. Learning how to implement productive shooting drills to create coachable moments 5. Understanding when and when not to "coach"  6. How to measure growth and the success of the team and the who make that team individuals  7. Gun Fit  -   Basics  8. How to organize as a team and support each other  9. Goal setting - how to measure  10. Identifying shooting styles and techniques used by athletes  11. Training , Practice , Tournament, Shooting -  What's the difference ?  Class is for to 12 coaches and 24 Athletes  Out of state coaches are eligible to take course and pay an additional $125 the day of class. Attendees of class who are IowaSCTP coaches can request 50% reimbursement (after completion of IowaSCTP class survey)

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Highland Hideaway Hunting, 160th Street, Riverside, IA, USA

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